
Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Real Bargain

In his autobiography entitled A Song of Ascents, E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973) tells of his early years of ministry in India when he struggled with what he called “nervous collapses.”  His problem seemed to revolve around his inability to cope with the stress and strain of working with the different groups of people he was called to serve while in India.  But more importantly, he came to realize that he was trying to preach beyond his own experience.  He just didn’t have the inner resources that were needed to sustain a ministry, let alone say something that would bring depth and meaning to those who would listen.  And so, as is often the case with the preparation of those who would serve God’s purpose, Jones realized that he had come to the end of himself.  In what he referred to as his darkest hour, he went to the Central Methodist Church in Lucknow, India, to seek God in prayer.

     It was during this time of prayer that God spoke to Stanley Jones by asking, “Are you yourself ready for the work to which I have called you?”  Jones’ response was simple, yet direct and honest: “No, Lord, I’m done for.  I’ve reached the end of my resources and I can’t go on.”  The Lord’s reply was: “If you’ll turn that problem over to me and not worry about it, I’ll take care of it.”  Later, Jones confessed that his eager reply was, “Lord, I close the bargain right here.”  Immediately he got up and knew that he was well, for as he explained it later, “A great peace settled into my heart and pervaded my whole being.  I knew it was done!  Life – abundant life – had taken possession of me.”  He said, “I seemed possessed by life and peace and rest – by Christ Himself.”

     Herein lies one of the most important keys to a life of victory.  On the other side of surrender is the promise that Christ Himself will fill our lives with His presence!  This is why the apostle Paul could write, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory” (Col. 3:3, 4, NIV, italics added).  It is this act of surrender – the giving over of one’s life to the Lord – that makes all the difference.  As we yield to Him, we begin to discover a fresh awareness of His presence and a new ability to accomplish His will for our lives.  Of course, the reason for this is that the life we find is God’s own life dwelling inside the surrendered believer.  This is what Stanley Jones experienced – and what every believer can discover as we set our focus on Christ, so that in all things “he might have the supremacy” (Col. 1:18, NIV).         

     What a joy it is to know that everything in life can be sorted out because Christ Himself holds you firmly in His hands.  That is why we should take the Lord’s words to Stanley Jones seriously, for He promises that if we turn everything over to Him, He will take care of each and every situation.  And like Jones, our willing response can be:  “Lord, I close the bargain right here.”

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