
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Life of Adventure!

As I look back to the early days of my Christian life, my “faith journey” actually began many months prior to meeting God for the first time.  Questions like “Who am I?” and “What is the real purpose to life?” started to soften my heart and prepare the way for an encounter with God.  There was something about those questions and others like them that seemed to suggest there was more to life than what I was experiencing.  My challenge though, was that I didn’t know where the answers could be found.  But this changed when the Lord met me in a very dramatic and personal way many years ago.  I deliberately choose the word “dramatic” because in looking back, I see now that I didn’t really have any choice as to whether I would serve God, for it was as if He just walked into the room where I was sitting and I knew He had come for me.

     Over the years I have grown in my relationship with the Lord, which eventually led me into full-time ministry.  In my early days, this began in the United Church of Canada where I served as a student minister.  Later, in my university days, I became involved in various nondenominational churches where there was not only a greater freedom to worship God, but also a commitment to tell others about the wonderful things God could do in a person’s life who yielded to His plans and purpose.   As a pastor, it has been my great privilege and honour to serve in three congregations over the years – one in Belleville, Ontario, and two in Peterborough, Ontario.   Serving the Lord and His people has been one of the greatest joys of my life, as together with my wife, Margaret, and our family, we have endeavored to not only care for God’s people, but also to teach them what we have learned of the ways of God.

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