Well, from the story, there are at least three things we learn - particularly from King Jehoshaphat and the prophet Elisha. These points are:
1. When times are dry, the best thing we can do is seek the Lord - Obviously the two kings had become lost in the wilderness. At such times, we have one of two choices. We can be like King Joram who in panic said, "We're done for! (v. 10, GNB). Or, we can be like Jehoshaphat who called for Elisha in order that they might seek the Lord.
2. When the power of God comes, everything changes - Verse 15 tells us that "the power of the Lord came upon Elisha." As Elisha sought the Lord, things began to change - first in him, and then in the kings. What I like about this is that when the power of God comes, people are released into freedom!
3. When the Lord decides to act, nothing is too hard for Him to accomplish - Elisha's word to the kings was, "This valley will be filled with water" (v. 17). In other words, the Lord was saying that there would come a mighty refreshing of life-giving water which will lead to victory over your enemies. Then Elisha adds, "This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord" (v. 18, NIV). I absolutely love this verse, for it puts everything into perspective. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is too difficult for the Lord to accomplish!